I had Logan over and we had a great couple of Days, He loved playing and jumping Into the Hay bails, There was also some straw from the bails in the field and he kept running and jumping into the pile! You Wont be Surprised to read his wee face was all red afterwards haha
We also found a hairy caterpillar, Logan was so happy as you don't see them in the city (So he says!) So he was proper excited and wanted me to take these pictures. He sure made a new friend that day!
We also had lovely weather! I was In a T-Shirt (Which never happens, They don't suit me) It was super hot! We had the best sunset that night! It was a good day!
October was a very eventful month! The First few Pictures were Taken in Inverness, I was in town seeing friends and was really into taking pictures (Don't ask!) So I ended up taking some good shots haha I also had Logan for a few days as his mum and dad went on a wee holiday so was great to spent more time with him.
Inverness Castle |
Inverness cathedral |
The River Ness, Near The Castle and Ness Islands |
Part Of The Castle. |
Inverness Castle |
We went on a nice little walk, I think Logan and the dogs enjoyed it!
The next day we went to a woods near me that I had been really wanting to go and explore In, So off we went and It was Stunning there!
Then Daisy got sick! Which wasn't great so I had to take her to the vets! She had issues with her eyes, They were very cloudy and watery, She was also limping very badly, the eyes are apparently because she's allergic to the outdoors! Great thing to have if your a dog and love your walks haha. The limping wasn't so great news! She basically has early stages of Arthritis and in the future will need surgery on both her back legs to correct it, As her knee joints aren't connect to her leg bones, Ruby has the same thing but only in one leg and will need surgery too.
I started up cycling again! I was really impressed with myself! I conquered a few fears, I cycled on a busy main road and to my surprise most drivers gave me lots of space and took there time passing me, There where however a few maniacs that couldn't care less! I cycled to the next town from me which I was so proud off which is a good 20 minutes from me, It's about 4.0 Miles so was a great cycle! Lot's of Hills though! 😒
It was also Daisy's birthday, She got a new toy and Logan was up and so we had a wee birthday party for her and got her toys, She was a very happy doggy!
I took this shot of the moon when I was out with the dogs on Halloween, Isn't it beautiful?
The Dogs were all set for Halloween! We had a good Halloween, The first time I ever celebrated it! My mum wasn't keen on the day as her father, My grandfather died on Halloween, So as you can imagine wasn't a great day for her. But this year I decided to get some sweets for the kids, I left a bucket of sweets out for the kids and I had decorated the Garden, I had a plastic LED candle stolen, Which amused me very much when there was a entire bucket of Sweet and a LED Pumpkin but the kid wanted the candle haha That was the highlight I think of my Halloween. I think the sweets were good as they were all gone! So not bad for my first time handing out sweets!
I dunno if you'll be able to see. One of my many night's of still being awake at 7am, I caught Venus on camera!! You can slightly make it out!
So that's what's new with me. I hope you enjoyed This Blog post? I will go and now get writing a few more so You have more to read in the weeks ahead! Sorry again for the lack of posts. I'll see you all next Saturday! 😊